Wednesday 8 July 2015

July Wish List.

Although I am writing this post on a very rainy day in England I thought I would have a browse and so what new things I am wishing someone will magically add to my wardrobe this month.
 Although it is 'summer' in the UK most of the shops have now started to display their A/W collections as you can tell with these colours. But I think these pieces tie in well with summer also. Plus who doesn't love a purchase which they can wear in any season and get their moneys worth. Another point which I must highlight after linking all of these items is how much I have been currently loving Top Shop the majority of  this wish list is made up from here.
My major faves from this wish list are the yellow mac from TS which I think is going to be my next purchase - its perfect for those rainy summer days and will be a perfect investment for Autumn, also the sweet & sour lipstick from MAC, which is a gorgeous orange colour for summer evenings. My last fave is the shirt dress from River Island as its a light material so good for when the sun does decide to arrive plus it can be dressed up or dressed down so I think it is a versatile summer piece.
P.S. What are you adding to your wardrobe for this month?
Wrote With Love,

Tuesday 7 July 2015

My June Faves.

I can't quite believe how quick June went by. Time just goes so fast without you realising.
 This is my first 'Faves' post and I think at the end of each month along with talking about some products that I have enjoyed in the past month I will also talk about a book that I have been enjoying and/or a film/TV programme also.
An old fave of mine to start of with is the Bare Minerals Foundation powder - I absolutely love and unfortunately have also ran out of this pure gold dust. It is a more expensive foundation, but it is not to heavy on the skin and gives a more natural look than liquid foundations and a pot lasts for ages. It is an effortless quick fix foundation and I shall definitely be purchasing a new pot of this!
Pricey BUT worth it! Yankee Candles. I love love love them. Every single one smells like heaven in a bottle and at the moment I am burning through the strawberry buttercream one. It smells delicious and is a perfect summer smell to fill a room. Do you have any recommendations on what scent to buy next?
The body shop Coconut Body Butter is another June fave. It does wonders for your skin, is not to shiny and isn't sticky and it leaves your skin smelling wonderful. Also perfect for summer as it leaves your skin feeling smooth and ready for whatever a summer day brings.
Another make-up purchase which I am currently loving is the new L'Oreal Miss Manga Punky eye mascara. It is a bold look eye-wise and is not for everyone, but I love how it makes your eye lashes stand out and makes your eyes 'pop'. It possibly isn't an everyday mascara, But definitely is a good purchase for a weekend statement and for something with a bit of a difference.
Lastly on the make-up front the Barry M Brow Kit is a massive one for me I have purchased and re-purchased this and I absolutely love it! It is a make-up must have for me. I just like the idea of a wax to shape your brows and then the power to define them and you use as little or as much as you want and I also comes in a little compact case which is handy to just pop in your bag. 
On the book front I have started a book from my summer reading list called 'Not that Kind of Girl' and so far so good. It is an empowering book for girls and I feel it takes a soft but truthful approach to feminism and being a young female adult in this ever changing world. But I have only just began to read so the judgement is still out until it is completely finished. But I shall let you know how it goes.
And lastly on the TV/Film front. Pretty Little Liars is a massive June fave. I am to the point where I am almost fed up of guessing who 'A' is, paranoia and questionability about everyone on the show as reached an all time high and at this point I don't even have a suspect in mind for who 'A' is. Am I 'A'? Are you 'A'? But I shall see if through and hopefully eventually all will be revealed. Who do you think 'A' is (if you watch PLL of course)?

P.S. What have been your June faves?
Wrote With Love,

Saturday 4 July 2015

J'adore Paris.

Paris in one word. Gorgeous.
I have had the best four days away ever! But to save this post from being a very long one (has it is hard to fit the whole of what I did in this gorgeous city into one post), I will keep it short and snappy.
  1. Firstly the weather was amazing. Like 40 degrees amazing with brilliantly blue skies. 
  2. The Eiffel Tower is just WOW. It is a lot bigger than I expected it to be. And waiting till the sunsets behind it on the grass at night with 100's of other people whilst waiting for it to sparkle is a memory I will never forget. It was magical.
  3.  Disney Land. A place were it is very hard to not be happy. Meeting princesses. Seeing Olaf. Sleeping beauty's castle. Peter Pan. Having a Frozen sing along. Meeting Tiger. Amazing. 
  4.  The gorgeous buildings around Paris. Around every corner you can find a building that is old and grand. Even more prettier at night when the street are lit up. 
  5. Soaking in the spectacular Cathedrals. Notre Dame and it's very long history. The Sacre Coeur and it's peacefulness, and it's view which is simply overwhelming. 
  6. The Arche De Triumph. Although it is almost impossible to actually get under it due to the 100's of cars, it is a place that oozes history. Also the massively long street leading up to it with its variety of Shops from H & M to Louis Vuitton.
      Lastly, just everything about Paris, the atmosphere, the metro/RER trips that were took daily, the tea time rush, the tourists, the sun, the attractions, the beauty of the place, Paris at night, Everything.
I have put this post into a list of things because I could probably sit here all night and write about how spectacular Paris was, I am even running out of words to describe it at this point. It was everything and more and I have created memories that will last a lifetime and I am so glad I got to do this with one of my best friends.
The only downside was that we didn't spend long enough time there and we would visit one place spend a short time there and move on to the next place. But we did visit all the main bits of Paris and saw everything we wanted to.
A final note on this from me is I highly recommend visiting Paris. It is a Magical place. And I am glad I can tick it off my bucket list.

P.S. Where else in Europe would you recommend visiting? Paris has inspired me to plan a possible inter-railing trip in the future, I think I have caught the 'need to travel' bug. Also I am sorry for the late post due to obvious reasons.

          Wrote With Love,

Monday 29 June 2015

Summer Reading list.

So in my summer challenges post, I said that I wanted to complete my summer reading list. Then I realised that I have noted down on random pieces of paper books that I want to read and I thought this would be the perfect place to create an actual list of the books I want to read, and once it is on the internet I can't back out.
I can read books from any genre, but tend to stick to what I like best which is fantasy fiction, so werewolves that are also human beings, witches, vampires, and so on. But I also love a good romance novel. This summer I want to 'broaden my horizons' and try reading books that I normally wouldn't, or books that I have wanted to read but have never got the chance to.

Here is a list of the top 6 books on my summer reading list:
  1. The Great Gatsby. By F. Scott Fitzgerald. I have never watched the film, but would like to give the book a go as I have heard only good things about it.
  2. Not That Kind Of Girl. By Lena Dunham. She has been said to be the female voice of our generation and every gal loves reading empowering words from another woman.
  3. The summoning (Darkest powers series). By Kelly Armstrong. This book as romance and paranormal activity in it. Two of my favourite things when looking for a new book to read. Plus I love a good book series.
  4. To kill a mockingbird. By Harper Lee. Another classic book, but I have yet to read it and hopefully will get round to it this summer.
  5. Paper Towns. By John Green. The film for this book comes out soon, and before I saw the trailer I wasn't so keen about it, but after seeing the trailer for the film I am pretty intrigued to give it a go,
  6. One Moment. By Kristina Mcbride. Although this book seems like it could possibly be a bit 'depressing', I love a book where the ending isn't always perfect and happy, it makes a story seem more real and consistent with reality. Furthermore I think it adds more meaning to a story and I hope to take something away from reading this book. 
So these are my top 6 books to read this summer, I have a list that is very long but these are my main ones to get through. I love reading, it takes you away from reality and transports you into someone else's life for a few chapters and you get to live vicariously through the main characters.  

P.S. Do you have any suggestions on books for me to read? Have you read any of the above and thought they where amazing/awful?

P.S.S. I will be in Paris this week so instead of a post on Wednesday I will try to post on Friday instead. I hope everyone has a lovely week.
Wrote With Love,


Sunday 28 June 2015

Purchases For Paris

So I am currently sat in bed sniffling away. I have hay fever and it is probably one of the most irritating things about summer, and without giving you a run down of all my symptoms, I'll just let you know that it is very bad.
On the upside I am going to Paris on Tuesday. My excitement cannot be contained I have wanted to go Paris for so long and now me and my best friend from university have decided to go. So I thought I would share with you some of the things I have bought for Paris. I am only going for four days so this isn't a major shopping spree post but with it being summer here in the UK I thought this could also double up as summer purchases/ideas post.

    I bought a hat! I have wanted one for ages but felt a bit silly getting one to wear casually. But for Paris I thought it would be the perfect purchase. I bought this hat from Primark and it was a bargain at £9.00. I love the extra detail of it and it is not to big that it looks silly.
    I also bought a small but very cute backpack from Primark, I thought it would be nice to just chuck essentials in and also that it would be more comfortable than a shoulder bag for being a tourist around Paris. Plus it was £10.00, a small price to pay for a bag that can be used lots and lots of times.
    TopShop was my next stop as I needed a new pair of sun glasses, not just for Paris, but for summer in general. They have a wide range to choose from but I choose these tortoise effect ones, as I am a little obsessed with this pattern (all my glasses have this effect on). Its a pattern that is timeless, and also when you purchase a pair of sunglasses you can choose a free sunglasses pouch for put them in.
    Price £14.00
  4. My last stop was New Look, I purchased these Aztec pattered joggers
    , which are very comfortable and perfect for summer.
    Price £17.99
  5. To pair with these joggers I bought this lace effect top
    to with a zipper back. Again this is a piece that can be matched with anything, it can be dressed up or down and I love a piece you can change up for different occasions. Price £14.50 was £19.99
    Lastly, I saw this tunic dress on the hanger and I wasn't sold straight away, but after trying it on I loved it, it's flawy, and very comfy, it is an effortless summer piece, and I love the colour. Price £19.99
So along with a case full of clothes I am already taking to Paris I am also taking these along to, I am so excited to soak up some Parisian culture, and even more excited to relive my childhood at Disney Land for a day! Minnie Mouse ears will be purchased with no guilt at all.

P.S. Does anyone have any recommendations for us to do anything in Paris, any sights to see, restaurants to visit, things to do that are a must when visiting the city of love? 


                                        écrit avec amour,


      Tuesday 23 June 2015

      Summer Challenges.

      Now that I have finished University for 4 whole months, this is the start of my summer. The British weather doesn't offer much of a summer, but when it does it is one of the most beautiful places to be.

      Boredom has already set in (part of the reason I took the leap and made this Blog), so I thought I would write a list of Challenges which I hope to have achieved by the end of Summer:

      1. To actually read all of the books on my summer reading list,
      2. To get FIT (because being a fresher has taken its toll on my body),
      3. To spend quality time with family and friends, and really appreciate them before I move back to Liverpool in September,
      4. To watch all of the films that everyone says 'omg I cannot believe you have not watched that' (E.g. The Lion King),
      5. To try and become a better photographer, it is something I have always been interested in, but never quite had the patience to really develop any sort of skills for it,
      6. To develop my cooking skills, which is a must because at the moment I can make spaghetti on toast and that is my limit,
      7. To spend more time outdoors and to go on more day trips and discover new places,
      8. Lastly, to still be putting up posts on this Blog.
      I hope that at the end of summer I have achieved all of these things, but if not I still hope that whatever I do this summer I enjoy it because this will be the last summer in a while I will be able to fully enjoy because of University.

      Have you got anything planned for summer? Any places to visit? Or Any challenges that you have set yourself?

      P.S. I would love to know if you have any book/film recommendations for me to read/watch over summer.

      Wrote With Love,

      Monday 22 June 2015

      An Introduction.

      In an attempt to actually start to Blog for real, I thought a good starting point would be an introductory post.
      Me in a nutshell: Hello, Hi, Hey, I am Aimee. 19. Currently Studying Psychology, At the University of Liverpool.
      And hopefully this is the start of a new adventure.

      Over the past two years I have started to create and then stopped making this particular blog. There is something daunting about the prospect of putting myself out their, and not being received well, if received by anyone at all. I have stopped myself many times from pressing the publish button, because I, like everyone else (whether they admit it or not) is scared of being judge, laughed at, or being misinterpreted in some way.

       But today, after toying with this post for a long time, changing it and deleting it and then rewriting it again, I have decided to post it and see where it may lead. It could very well lead nowhere, but at the very least I did something which I have wanted to do since I was 15 but was to scared of what others may say/think to actually do it. At the very most I will be able to reach out to people, even if it is just one person, and hopefully relate to them and share my experiences, thoughts and ideas.

      I want this blog to be a place where I can share all my soppy, and weird thoughts. But I don't just want it to be about these things. I want it to be a creative place, where I can share posts on everything from fashion and beauty to my latest music obsessions. I want this blog post to be the start of a journey, with a new community of people, where anyone can share anything they want to. I want this to be a place where people are free to be whoever they want to be, a place of happiness, inspiration, joyfulness, encouragement and most importantly fun and interesting.  
      Whether this is my first and last post or the first of many, I hope that in posting this and facing a fear of mine that I can inspire others maybe reading this to understand that fears are there to be conquered, and even if past attempts where failed, from these we can take lessons to move forward and move on from what once we were scared of.

      P.S. I am new to this, if there is any advice, feedback or just general comments you want to leave please feel free.

      Wrote with Love,