A Little Bit About Me.

Hi, so my name is Aimee. I am 19 years old and fun fact for you all my birthday is on Halloween. A lot of people think that's 'cool' but to be honest I am scared of my own shadow so it's kind of ironic that my birthday is on this specific day. I was born and raised in Lancashire, England, in a city called Preston.  But I currently attend the University of Liverpool and I have just finished my first year of studying psychology. Therefore the majority of my time is spent in Liverpool.
I have created and then deleted so many blogs over the past 4 years, some because I thought there concepts were silly, others because I was embarrassed or because I just decided to do something else with my time instead. But this summer I thought I would come back on the scene and give it a go again, and not surprisingly a lot as changed. For one this online community is now massive, which excites me a lot.
I started this particular blog for me, obviously for others to, but also just for me. To show myself that I can be the creator of something fun and unique like this, to start a new hobby and because it is something that I have always wanted to do but never had the courage until now. For many months I have been planning and then putting daisy chains on hold, but after reading many different blogs and getting back onto this online community, I feel like I can create something fun and interesting.
Five Uninteresting Things About Me:
  1. I am naturally a ginger (which there is nothing wrong with until the sun is out),
  2. My favourite colour is purple (which my nan said meant I was sad, but I think its quite a calming colour),
  3. I have a little doggy called Bell-Beau, and she is literally my Baby (she's two),
  4. I have a phobia of butterflies, they are so pretty, but they are also very fluttery and therefore not my cup to tea,
  5. Which brings me to my last point, I am a lover of a good old cuppa' (tea, 2 sugars, quite milky if you wanted to know).
So this is just a little bit more information about me, hopefully through my Blog posts you will find out other things about me, but I don't want to bore you all with that right now.

    P.S. Do you have any uninteresting facts about yourself? I hate the question :'Tell me something interesting about yourself?' because I find it one of the hardest questions to answer, so uninteresting things about me are a much easier for me.
    Wrote With Love,

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