Saturday 4 July 2015

J'adore Paris.

Paris in one word. Gorgeous.
I have had the best four days away ever! But to save this post from being a very long one (has it is hard to fit the whole of what I did in this gorgeous city into one post), I will keep it short and snappy.
  1. Firstly the weather was amazing. Like 40 degrees amazing with brilliantly blue skies. 
  2. The Eiffel Tower is just WOW. It is a lot bigger than I expected it to be. And waiting till the sunsets behind it on the grass at night with 100's of other people whilst waiting for it to sparkle is a memory I will never forget. It was magical.
  3.  Disney Land. A place were it is very hard to not be happy. Meeting princesses. Seeing Olaf. Sleeping beauty's castle. Peter Pan. Having a Frozen sing along. Meeting Tiger. Amazing. 
  4.  The gorgeous buildings around Paris. Around every corner you can find a building that is old and grand. Even more prettier at night when the street are lit up. 
  5. Soaking in the spectacular Cathedrals. Notre Dame and it's very long history. The Sacre Coeur and it's peacefulness, and it's view which is simply overwhelming. 
  6. The Arche De Triumph. Although it is almost impossible to actually get under it due to the 100's of cars, it is a place that oozes history. Also the massively long street leading up to it with its variety of Shops from H & M to Louis Vuitton.
      Lastly, just everything about Paris, the atmosphere, the metro/RER trips that were took daily, the tea time rush, the tourists, the sun, the attractions, the beauty of the place, Paris at night, Everything.
I have put this post into a list of things because I could probably sit here all night and write about how spectacular Paris was, I am even running out of words to describe it at this point. It was everything and more and I have created memories that will last a lifetime and I am so glad I got to do this with one of my best friends.
The only downside was that we didn't spend long enough time there and we would visit one place spend a short time there and move on to the next place. But we did visit all the main bits of Paris and saw everything we wanted to.
A final note on this from me is I highly recommend visiting Paris. It is a Magical place. And I am glad I can tick it off my bucket list.

P.S. Where else in Europe would you recommend visiting? Paris has inspired me to plan a possible inter-railing trip in the future, I think I have caught the 'need to travel' bug. Also I am sorry for the late post due to obvious reasons.

          Wrote With Love,

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