Monday 29 June 2015

Summer Reading list.

So in my summer challenges post, I said that I wanted to complete my summer reading list. Then I realised that I have noted down on random pieces of paper books that I want to read and I thought this would be the perfect place to create an actual list of the books I want to read, and once it is on the internet I can't back out.
I can read books from any genre, but tend to stick to what I like best which is fantasy fiction, so werewolves that are also human beings, witches, vampires, and so on. But I also love a good romance novel. This summer I want to 'broaden my horizons' and try reading books that I normally wouldn't, or books that I have wanted to read but have never got the chance to.

Here is a list of the top 6 books on my summer reading list:
  1. The Great Gatsby. By F. Scott Fitzgerald. I have never watched the film, but would like to give the book a go as I have heard only good things about it.
  2. Not That Kind Of Girl. By Lena Dunham. She has been said to be the female voice of our generation and every gal loves reading empowering words from another woman.
  3. The summoning (Darkest powers series). By Kelly Armstrong. This book as romance and paranormal activity in it. Two of my favourite things when looking for a new book to read. Plus I love a good book series.
  4. To kill a mockingbird. By Harper Lee. Another classic book, but I have yet to read it and hopefully will get round to it this summer.
  5. Paper Towns. By John Green. The film for this book comes out soon, and before I saw the trailer I wasn't so keen about it, but after seeing the trailer for the film I am pretty intrigued to give it a go,
  6. One Moment. By Kristina Mcbride. Although this book seems like it could possibly be a bit 'depressing', I love a book where the ending isn't always perfect and happy, it makes a story seem more real and consistent with reality. Furthermore I think it adds more meaning to a story and I hope to take something away from reading this book. 
So these are my top 6 books to read this summer, I have a list that is very long but these are my main ones to get through. I love reading, it takes you away from reality and transports you into someone else's life for a few chapters and you get to live vicariously through the main characters.  

P.S. Do you have any suggestions on books for me to read? Have you read any of the above and thought they where amazing/awful?

P.S.S. I will be in Paris this week so instead of a post on Wednesday I will try to post on Friday instead. I hope everyone has a lovely week.
Wrote With Love,


1 comment:

  1. I love the Great Gatsby, it was such a great classic read. I have read quite a couple of books on your list and I have greatly enjoyed all of them! Happy reading!

    Cait x
