Monday 22 June 2015

An Introduction.

In an attempt to actually start to Blog for real, I thought a good starting point would be an introductory post.
Me in a nutshell: Hello, Hi, Hey, I am Aimee. 19. Currently Studying Psychology, At the University of Liverpool.
And hopefully this is the start of a new adventure.

Over the past two years I have started to create and then stopped making this particular blog. There is something daunting about the prospect of putting myself out their, and not being received well, if received by anyone at all. I have stopped myself many times from pressing the publish button, because I, like everyone else (whether they admit it or not) is scared of being judge, laughed at, or being misinterpreted in some way.

 But today, after toying with this post for a long time, changing it and deleting it and then rewriting it again, I have decided to post it and see where it may lead. It could very well lead nowhere, but at the very least I did something which I have wanted to do since I was 15 but was to scared of what others may say/think to actually do it. At the very most I will be able to reach out to people, even if it is just one person, and hopefully relate to them and share my experiences, thoughts and ideas.

I want this blog to be a place where I can share all my soppy, and weird thoughts. But I don't just want it to be about these things. I want it to be a creative place, where I can share posts on everything from fashion and beauty to my latest music obsessions. I want this blog post to be the start of a journey, with a new community of people, where anyone can share anything they want to. I want this to be a place where people are free to be whoever they want to be, a place of happiness, inspiration, joyfulness, encouragement and most importantly fun and interesting.  
Whether this is my first and last post or the first of many, I hope that in posting this and facing a fear of mine that I can inspire others maybe reading this to understand that fears are there to be conquered, and even if past attempts where failed, from these we can take lessons to move forward and move on from what once we were scared of.

P.S. I am new to this, if there is any advice, feedback or just general comments you want to leave please feel free.

Wrote with Love,