Tuesday 23 June 2015

Summer Challenges.

Now that I have finished University for 4 whole months, this is the start of my summer. The British weather doesn't offer much of a summer, but when it does it is one of the most beautiful places to be.

Boredom has already set in (part of the reason I took the leap and made this Blog), so I thought I would write a list of Challenges which I hope to have achieved by the end of Summer:

  1. To actually read all of the books on my summer reading list,
  2. To get FIT (because being a fresher has taken its toll on my body),
  3. To spend quality time with family and friends, and really appreciate them before I move back to Liverpool in September,
  4. To watch all of the films that everyone says 'omg I cannot believe you have not watched that' (E.g. The Lion King),
  5. To try and become a better photographer, it is something I have always been interested in, but never quite had the patience to really develop any sort of skills for it,
  6. To develop my cooking skills, which is a must because at the moment I can make spaghetti on toast and that is my limit,
  7. To spend more time outdoors and to go on more day trips and discover new places,
  8. Lastly, to still be putting up posts on this Blog.
I hope that at the end of summer I have achieved all of these things, but if not I still hope that whatever I do this summer I enjoy it because this will be the last summer in a while I will be able to fully enjoy because of University.

Have you got anything planned for summer? Any places to visit? Or Any challenges that you have set yourself?

P.S. I would love to know if you have any book/film recommendations for me to read/watch over summer.

Wrote With Love,

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